We are delighted to announce this year’s 50+ Festival!
2024 sees the 19th Festival organised by YOPA – the York Older People’s Assembly. It will take place across the city for 2 weeks between Saturday 21 September and Sunday 6 October.
We want to welcome back everyone who’s made it so successful in previous years. We will share events and skills, enjoy meeting each other, provide tasters of new activities, “accentuate the positive” of being over 50, and contribute to the wellbeing of older people. We will produce a programme for the Festival which includes a wide range of events and activities to inform, excite, and introduce people to new ideas, interests, occupations, and pastimes.
We welcome events both large and small from both groups and individuals, which could be a traditional in-person activity, a virtual event online, or a hybrid event. All events go in the Festival Brochure, with printed copies available from early September. It’s also published online and stays online for a year. Last year’s programme can be found on this Festival page.
We value your participation and trust you will want to be part of this now very well-established festival. You can choose what fee, if any, to charge for your event(s) to cover your costs, though we encourage you to keep this low and maybe offer a free taster session for any regular activities.
The application form for groups’ and individuals’ events is on this webpage, and in order to be proactive in our festival fundraising, we are asking every organiser to send us £6 for each event with their application to go towards the printing costs of brochures and posters. Cheques should be made payable to York Older People’s Assembly and sent to: YOPA, St Sampsons Centre, Church St, York, YO1 8BE, or payment can be made by BACS to Sort Code: 309950 Account: 77997668, putting the title of your event as the reference.
Information for business events, adverts, and sponsorships is also on this page.
The deadline for all submissions is 21 July.
If you need more information, please contact the Festival Team at yorkfiftyplus@gmail.com, or ring the Festival Co-ordinator on 07920 162034.

Tel: 07965 246193
York Older People’s Assembly, St Sampson’s Centre, Church Street, YORK YO1 8BE
Working for older people in York, we aim to:
- Represent the views of older people in York to decision makers locally and nationally.
- Inform older people about services that are available.
- Identify where needs are not being met.
- Work with the local authority and others to make York an age-friendly city